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This web-site is not affiliated with any official organizations. However, I will be providing links to other web-sites that have helped alot of people. This is my own personal web-site, and I am still trying to figure out it's purpose. I just got tired of not being able to do anything, so I decided to create this site.

In the past I have hurt people, and I am truly sorry. I grew up believing that I would never seriously hurt anyone, but because of alcohol and my own weaknesses, I did. I think of that everyday, and I just hope that those I have hurt will heal and maybe someday find it in their hearts to forgive me. Unfortunately, I can't change the past. I can only take responsibility for what I did. But one thing I can do, is learn from my mistakes and maybe help someone else avoid the same mistakes. So in that spirit, something I am currently working on is developing a message board for this site. I am hoping that people will use it to help other people who may have problems, or just to discuss their own life experiences.

One last thing and most importantly. I would like to thank my family for sticking by and supporting me in the worst of times. I also want to thank my counselor. She inspired me to create this site. She is a special lady.

If you have any suggestions or comments please Contact Us.

Thank you for visiting us at Sobriety Online.


John B.